Thursday, October 12, 2006

how to have a happy life

we all have been bombarded with life's questions and preoccupations. more than our efforts to have great lives is a question which probably bothered everyone..."how could we evr be happy?"
this question came acroos my very brain... it was timely, because i have been searching for real fulfillment in my life eversince. well, who doesn't want to experience such an ecstatic feeling. well, i get to find some insightful thoughts from my gray matter.

i realized that being happy is being contented. well, life is too short and anyone would never find hapinnes in looking for the things that you don't have.

secondly, happiness is a subjective matter. it is up to the person if he/she chooses to be happy or remain sad.

third, happiness is not always found in the context of achieving and being rich, but mos t of the time, it is found in humility, sacrificing and giving.

fourth, listening helps. when you want to be happy, listen to the people who has gained more experiences than you do. perhaps listern to your parents or mentors.

fifth, happiness is a state of mind. it is up to you if you entertain or reject the thought.

sixth, responsibility over your actions gives you happiness. it is up to you on how you curtail your freedom or how you overuse it for as long us you face the consequences of your actions. being responsible on anything that you do adds less hassle to your life and gives you more freedom.

finally and most importantly, happiness is found from within. HAPPINESS IS INSIDE OUT. when you are happy inside and feel peaceful within you and you think that nothing bothers you then you should be very happy... most of all you should not forget to thank GOD and ask for blessings from HIM, because HE is the fountain of eternal happiness.

(as i was writing this blog entry, it was like that i am giving a sermon to myself, because actually, i'm still looking for the right definition, the right things and the correct perspective of happiness to dwell on in my living)

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