Wednesday, January 31, 2007

releiving some stresses in life

oh my goodness, i have almost neglected this blog of mine... my supposed to be journal and sketch of my life. well, i'm very sorry because lately our school work, i mean extraordinary schoolwork somehow ate my spare time for updating, but nevertheless i am doing my best to balane everything.
now to start the retelling of the long story, the midterms started somehow fine, but there were still teachers who never did commit themselves to excellence fully. some teachers were still late impeding the learning process. but nevertheless i made the most of who and what was available. then during the duration of the classes, teachers were so diligent in giving successive examinations, projects and long lectures. it's driving me crazy. but the good thing is i have learned to somehow recharge myself through internet surfing, interaction with others and even in solitude. oh come on its so nice to be alone, right? and so since this week is the PAASCU week for the school, so the terachers are becoming busy preparing for that day. the good thing is they are giving extra effort in teaching to keep up with the standards. then that is great!
and now, i am having some spare time, since we would only have alecture in anal geom and ang saya ng buhay. hehehe... i'm so happy na nakapag blog blog ako today.=D

ad majorem dei gloriam.

michael casas

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